
To Rebuild the Economy, People are the Best Investment

Louis Uchitelle is absolutely correct that President-elect Barack Obama’s spending plan may fail – or worse, backfire (“Maybe It Can’t: A Trap in Obama’s Spending Plan,” Week in Review, Dec. 21). Spending on infrastructure, even green infrastructure, is a relatively slow, low-return investment. To rebuild the economy right now, we need fast, high-return investment, public and private.

First, we need public investment in people: health care to keep us productive; education to train us for new jobs or upgrade basic skills; and extended unemployment insurance.

Second, we must unburden the sector that provides the most employment and the highest and fastest return on investment: small business.

Here is how: Rebate the payroll (Social Security) tax on low-wage earners. This tax has become a major killer of small-business jobs. Then reduce deficit spending. Treasury runs a deficit by selling bonds; the more that banks can stock up on safe government bonds, the more they will cut off relatively risky (but high-return) small business. But how to reduce deficit spending? Start by killing military pork.

Published in the New York Times, December 26, 2008,

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